One in six deaths caused by pollution
An estimated nine million deaths annually, around one in six people, die from the effects of pollution, according to a new study published in the Lancet. From dirty air in India and China, to tainted water in sub-Saharan Africa and toxic mining operations in South America, according to the study, pollution kills around three times more people each year than HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria combined, with most of those deaths in poor and developing countries. The research, conducted over two years on data collected from 130 countries documenting the causes of disease and premature deaths, and includes both outdoor pollution tainted by mercury, arsenic and other harmful particulates, and household air dirtied by the burning of wood, dung and other organic materials, found that poor air quality was the most significant pollution-related killer. Resulting in an estimated 6.5 million deaths in 2015 from heart disease, strokes, lung cancer and other respiratory problems, the largest number of were deaths attributable to pollution occurring in India and China, with an estimated 2.5 million and 1.8 million deaths, respectively. Other severely affected countries include Pakistan, Bangladesh and Kenya. To find out more check out The Lancet Commission on pollution and health.