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Gravitational waves detected from colliding neutron stars

In another landmark astrophysical discovery, an international team of scientists have measured the violent death spiral of two dense neutron stars via gravitational waves, and we now know, for the first time, exactly where in the Universe gravitational waves originate from. On August 17, the Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) detected gravitational waves from two super-dense neutron stars, each as small as a city but heavier than the sun, after they crashed into each other some 130 millions light years away. Although LIGO had previously detected gravitational waves from collision of black holes, they don't give off light. In the days after the gravitational waves from the colliding neutron stars were measured, astronomers made successful observations of the colliding neutron stars with optical, radio, X-ray, gamma-ray, infrared and ultraviolet telescopes. The detection has not only allowed astrophysicists to piece together a coherent account of the event, but also to answer longstanding questions in astrophysics. To find out more check out LIGO and Virgo make first detection of gravitational waves produced by colliding neutron stars.