United Nations urged to ban killer robots
Elon Musk, co-funder and CEO of Tesla, Inc., and more than 100 leaders and experts in artificial intelligence have urged the United Nations to ban killer robots. In an open letter Musk, Google Deepmind's Mustafa Suleyman, and 114 other AI and robotics specialists have urged the UN to take action to prevent "the third revolution in warfare" by banning the development of lethal autonomous weapon systems. The letter was released to coincide with IJCAL 2017, the world's largest AI conference taking place in Melbourne, Australia this week. The "third revolution" refers to killer robots as the successors to gunpowder and nuclear weapons, and while the letter isn't the first time that experts have urged the world to move away from developing Terminator-like weaponry, it's the first time representatives from AI and robotics companies have joined the call, following the stance taking by luminaries like Stephen Hawking, Noam Chomsky, and Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. To read the letter click on this link AN OPEN LETTER TO THE UNITED NATIONS CONVENTION ON CERTAIN CONVENTIONAL WEAPONS.